Islam Quran

Introduction of Islam by the Qur'an - ALIF LAM MIM. (1) The revelation of this Book free of doubt and involution is from the Lord of all the worlds. (2) Or do they say he has fabricated it? In fact, it is the truth from your Lord so that you may warn the people to whom no admonisher was sent before you. They may haply come to guidance. (3)

Islam Quran

Introduction of Islam by the Qur'an - ALIF LAM MIM. (1) The revelation of this Book free of doubt and involution is from the Lord of all the worlds. (2) Or do they say he has fabricated it? In fact, it is the truth from your Lord so that you may warn the people to whom no admonisher was sent before you. They may haply come to guidance. (3)

Islam Quran

بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِیمِ


ALIF LAM MIM. (1) The revelation of this Book free of doubt and involution is from the Lord of all the worlds. (2) Or do they say he has fabricated it? In fact, it is the truth from your Lord so that you may warn the people to whom no admonisher was sent before you. They may haply come to guidance. (3) It is God who created the heavens and the earth and all that lies between them, in six spans, then assumed all authority. You have no protector other than Him, nor any intercessor. Will you not be warned even then? (4) He regulates all affairs from high to low, then they rise to perfection step by step in a (heavenly) day whose measure is a thousand years of your reckoning. (5) Such is (He) the knower of the unknown and the known, the mighty and the merciful, (6) Who made all things He created excellent; and first fashioned man from clay, (7) Then made his offspring from the extract of base fluid, (8) Then proportioned and breathed into him of His spirit, and gave you the senses of hearing, sight and feeling. And yet how little are the thanks you offer! (9) But they say: "When we have mingled with the earth, shall we be created anew?" In fact they deny the meeting with their Lord. (10) Say: "The angel of death appointed over you will take away your soul, then you will be sent back to your Lord." (11)

آخرین مطالب

  • ۲۶ فروردين ۹۹ ، ۰۸:۰۸ WARNING 9

پربیننده ترین مطالب

محبوب ترین مطالب

یادآوری - Reminder 21

دوشنبه, ۳ آبان ۱۳۹۵، ۰۲:۵۹ ب.ظ

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ


سورة الإسراء - الجزء الخامس عشر

Al-Isra- Juz 15


 [Language of the Quran-Arabic]


یَوْمَ نَدْعُو کُلَّ أُنَاسٍ بِإِمَامِهِمْ ۖ فَمَنْ أُوتِیَ کِتَابَهُ بِیَمِینِهِ فَأُولَـٰئِکَ یَقْرَءُونَ کِتَابَهُمْ وَلَا یُظْلَمُونَ فَتِیلًا ﴿٧١



 (به یاد آورید) روزی را که هر گروهی را با پیشوایشان می‌خوانیم! کسانی که نامه عملشان به دست راستشان داده شود، آن را (با شادی و سرور) می‌خوانند؛ و بقدر رشته شکاف هسته خرمایی به آنان ستم نمی‌شود! (۷۱)



В тот день, когда Мы призовем всех людей с их предстоятелем, и тот, кому будет дана его книга в десницу, - те будут читать свою книгу и не будут обижены и на финиковую плеву. (71)



The day We shall summon all men with their leaders, whosoever is given his record in his right hand will be able to read his account, and none will be wronged the breadth of a thread. (71)



Op een zekeren dag zullen wij alle menschen oproepen, om met hunne opperhoofden te worden geoordeeld, en zij die het boek, dat hun gegeven werd, in de rechterhand hebben, zullen hun boek met vreugde en voldoening lezen en geen haar zal hun gekrenkt worden. (71)



Le jour où Nous appellerons chaque groupement d'hommes par leur chef, ceux à qui on remettra leur livre dans la main droite liront leur livre (avec plaisir) et ne subiront pas la moindre injustice. (71)



An jenem Tage, da werden Wir ein jedes Volk mit seinem Führer vorladen. Diejenigen, die dann ihr Buch in ihrer Rechten empfangen werden, werden ihr Buch verlesen und nicht das geringste Unrecht erleiden. (71)



(उस दिन से डरो) जिस दिन हम मानव के प्रत्येक गिरोह को उसके अपने नायक के साथ बुलाएँगे। फिर जिसे उसका कर्मपत्र उसके दाहिने हाथ में दिया गया, तो ऐसे लोग अपना कर्मपत्र पढ़ेंगे और उनके साथ तनिक भी अन्याय न होगा (71)



(你记住,)在那日,我将召唤每个民族及其表率。以右手接受其功过簿者,将阅读自己的本子;他们不受一丝毫亏折 (71)



その日われは凡ての人間を,その導師と共に(審判のため)召集する。右手に自分の記録を波される者は,(喜びと満足をもって)その記録を読む。かれらは少しも不当に遇せられないであろう (71)



[pero] un Día convocaremos a todos los seres humanos [para juzgarles] con arreglo a la disposición consciente que regía sus actos [en vida]: y entonces aquellos a quienes se dé su registro en su mano derecha --esos leerán su registro [con felicidad]. Pero nadie será tratado injustamente en lo más mínimo: (71)



(Kujtoje) atë Ditë kur Na do t’i thërrasim të gjithë njerëzit me udhëheqësin (pejgamberin) e vet. E, kujt i jepet libri i tij në anën e djathtë, ata do ta lexojnë librin e vet dhe nuk do të dëmtohen as sa një thërrmi. (71)



Хисаб көнендә кешеләрне үзләренең пәйгамбәрләре, имамнары вә башка хуҗалары белән хөкемгә чакырырбыз, берәүгә гамәл дәфтәре уң яктан бирелсә, андый кешеләр дәфтәрләрен шатланып укырлар, алар җеп очы хәтле дә золым итмәсләр. (71)



بىز ھەممە ئادەمنى ئۇلارنىڭ نامە - ئەمالى بىلەن چاقىرىدىغان کۈننى (ئېسىڭدا تۇتقىن)، نامە - ئەمالى ئوڭ قولىدىن بېرىلگەنلەر ئۆزلىرىنىڭ نامە - ئەمالىنى ئوقۇیدۇ، ئۇلارغا قىلچە زورلۇق قىلىنمایدۇ (71)


(xusuuso) Maalintaan cid walba ugu yeedhayno Imaamkeeda «Quraanka ama Nabiga» ciddiise laga siiyo Kitaabkiisa Midigta kuwaasi way akhrin Kitaabkooda lagamana dulmiyo xuub laf timireed. (71)


۹۵/۰۸/۰۳ موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰
علیرضا غفوری

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