Islam Quran

Introduction of Islam by the Qur'an - ALIF LAM MIM. (1) The revelation of this Book free of doubt and involution is from the Lord of all the worlds. (2) Or do they say he has fabricated it? In fact, it is the truth from your Lord so that you may warn the people to whom no admonisher was sent before you. They may haply come to guidance. (3)

Islam Quran

Introduction of Islam by the Qur'an - ALIF LAM MIM. (1) The revelation of this Book free of doubt and involution is from the Lord of all the worlds. (2) Or do they say he has fabricated it? In fact, it is the truth from your Lord so that you may warn the people to whom no admonisher was sent before you. They may haply come to guidance. (3)

Islam Quran

بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِیمِ


ALIF LAM MIM. (1) The revelation of this Book free of doubt and involution is from the Lord of all the worlds. (2) Or do they say he has fabricated it? In fact, it is the truth from your Lord so that you may warn the people to whom no admonisher was sent before you. They may haply come to guidance. (3) It is God who created the heavens and the earth and all that lies between them, in six spans, then assumed all authority. You have no protector other than Him, nor any intercessor. Will you not be warned even then? (4) He regulates all affairs from high to low, then they rise to perfection step by step in a (heavenly) day whose measure is a thousand years of your reckoning. (5) Such is (He) the knower of the unknown and the known, the mighty and the merciful, (6) Who made all things He created excellent; and first fashioned man from clay, (7) Then made his offspring from the extract of base fluid, (8) Then proportioned and breathed into him of His spirit, and gave you the senses of hearing, sight and feeling. And yet how little are the thanks you offer! (9) But they say: "When we have mingled with the earth, shall we be created anew?" In fact they deny the meeting with their Lord. (10) Say: "The angel of death appointed over you will take away your soul, then you will be sent back to your Lord." (11)

آخرین مطالب

  • ۲۶ فروردين ۹۹ ، ۰۸:۰۸ WARNING 9

پربیننده ترین مطالب

محبوب ترین مطالب

۱ مطلب در اسفند ۱۳۹۷ ثبت شده است




بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ


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سورة غافر - الرابع والعشرون

Ghafir- Juz 24


 [Language of the Quran-Arabic]


وَقَالَ رَبُّکُمُ ادْعُونِی أَسْتَجِبْ لَکُمْ ۚ إِنَّ الَّذِینَ یَسْتَکْبِرُونَ عَنْ عِبَادَتِی سَیَدْخُلُونَ جَهَنَّمَ دَاخِرِینَ ﴿٦٠




پروردگار شما گفته است: «مرا بخوانید تا (دعای) شما را بپذیرم! کسانی که از عبادت من تکبّر می‌ورزند به زودی با ذلّت وارد دوزخ می‌شوند!» (۶۰)





И сказали ваш Господь: "Зовите Меня, Я отвечу вам; поистине, которые превозносятся над поклонением Мне - войдут они в геенну на вечное пребывание!" (60)




Your Lord has said: "Call to Me that I may answer your call. Surely those who disdain worshipping Me will enter Hell, disgraced." (60)




Uw Heer zeide: Roept mij aan en ik zal u verhooren, maar zij die met trotschheid mijnen dienst versmaden, zullen met schande de hel binnen gaan. (60)




Et votre Seigneur dit: «Appelez-Moi, Je vous répondrai. Ceux qui, par orgueil, se refusent à M'adorer entreront bientôt dans l'Enfer, humiliés». (60)




Kuma Ubangijinku ya ce: "Ku kira Ni in karɓa muku. Lalle waɗannan da ke kangara daga barin bauta Mini, za su shiga Jahannama sunã ƙasƙantattu." (60)




तुम्हारे रब ने कहा कि "तुम मुझे पुकारो, मैं तुम्हारी प्रार्थनाएँ स्वीकार करूँगा।" जो लोग मेरी बन्दगी के मामले में घमंड से काम लेते है निश्चय ही वे शीघ्र ही अपमानित होकर जहन्नम में प्रवेश करेंगे (60)




们的主说:你们要祈祷我,我就应答你们;不肯崇拜我的人,他们将卑贱地入火狱 (60)




それであなたがたの主は,仰せられる。「われに祈れ。われはあなたがたに答えるであろう。だがわれに仕えるのに高慢な者たちは,必ず面目潰れの中に地獄に陥るであろう。 (60)



Vuestro Señor ha dicho: «¡Invocadme y os escucharé! Los que, llevados de su altivez, no Me sirvan entrarán, humillados, en la gehena». (60)




Zoti juaj, ka thënë: “Më thirrni Mua (më adhuroni), Unë do t’ju përgjigjem (shpërblejë)! Me të vërtetë, ata që mendjemadhësohen e nuk duan të Më adhurojnë – do të hyjnë të poshtëruar në skëterrë. (60)




Раббыгыз әйтте: "Миңа гыйбадәт итегез һәм дога кылыгыз, Мин кабул итеп әҗерләрен бирермен". Әмма Миңа гыйбадәт итүдән тәкәбберләнеп баш тарткан кешеләр кечкенә булып хур булган хәлдә җәһәннәм утына тиз керерләр. (60)




پەرۋەردىگارىڭلار ئېیتىدۇ: «ماڭا دۇئا قىلىڭلار، مەن (دۇئایىڭلارنى) قوبۇل قىلىمەن (تىلىگىنىڭلارنى بېرىمەن)، شۈبھىسىزکى، مېنىڭ ئىبادىتىمدىن چوڭچىلىق قىلىپ باش تارتىدىغانلار خار ھالدا جەھەننەمگە کىرىدۇ» (60)




Wuxuu yidhi Eebehiin i barya aan idiin ajiibee, (aqbalee) kuwa iska weyneeya cibaadadayda waxay gali doonaan naarta jahannamo, iyagoo dulleysan. (60)



Il vostro Signore ha detto: “InvocateMi, vi risponderò. Coloro che per superbia non Mi adorano, entreranno presto nell'Inferno, umiliati”. (60)


علیرضا غفوری
۰۵ اسفند ۹۷ ، ۰۹:۵۵ موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰