Islam Quran

Introduction of Islam by the Qur'an - ALIF LAM MIM. (1) The revelation of this Book free of doubt and involution is from the Lord of all the worlds. (2) Or do they say he has fabricated it? In fact, it is the truth from your Lord so that you may warn the people to whom no admonisher was sent before you. They may haply come to guidance. (3)

Islam Quran

Introduction of Islam by the Qur'an - ALIF LAM MIM. (1) The revelation of this Book free of doubt and involution is from the Lord of all the worlds. (2) Or do they say he has fabricated it? In fact, it is the truth from your Lord so that you may warn the people to whom no admonisher was sent before you. They may haply come to guidance. (3)

Islam Quran

بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِیمِ


ALIF LAM MIM. (1) The revelation of this Book free of doubt and involution is from the Lord of all the worlds. (2) Or do they say he has fabricated it? In fact, it is the truth from your Lord so that you may warn the people to whom no admonisher was sent before you. They may haply come to guidance. (3) It is God who created the heavens and the earth and all that lies between them, in six spans, then assumed all authority. You have no protector other than Him, nor any intercessor. Will you not be warned even then? (4) He regulates all affairs from high to low, then they rise to perfection step by step in a (heavenly) day whose measure is a thousand years of your reckoning. (5) Such is (He) the knower of the unknown and the known, the mighty and the merciful, (6) Who made all things He created excellent; and first fashioned man from clay, (7) Then made his offspring from the extract of base fluid, (8) Then proportioned and breathed into him of His spirit, and gave you the senses of hearing, sight and feeling. And yet how little are the thanks you offer! (9) But they say: "When we have mingled with the earth, shall we be created anew?" In fact they deny the meeting with their Lord. (10) Say: "The angel of death appointed over you will take away your soul, then you will be sent back to your Lord." (11)

آخرین مطالب

  • ۲۶ فروردين ۹۹ ، ۰۸:۰۸ WARNING 9

پربیننده ترین مطالب

محبوب ترین مطالب

امام علی(ع)- IMAM ALI 3

شنبه, ۲۵ شهریور ۱۳۹۶، ۰۹:۳۵ ق.ظ

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ


[Language of the Quran-Arabic]

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سورة آل عمران - الجزء الثالث            

Al-i-Imran- Juz 3


 [Language of the Quran-Arabic]

فَمَنْ حَاجَّکَ فِیهِ مِن بَعْدِ مَا جَاءَکَ مِنَ الْعِلْمِ فَقُلْ تَعَالَوْا نَدْعُ أَبْنَاءَنَا وَأَبْنَاءَکُمْ وَنِسَاءَنَا وَنِسَاءَکُمْ وَأَنفُسَنَا وَأَنفُسَکُمْ ثُمَّ نَبْتَهِلْ فَنَجْعَل لَّعْنَتَ اللَّـهِ عَلَى الْکَاذِبِینَ ﴿٦١



هرگاه بعد از علم و دانشی که (در باره مسیح) به تو رسیده، (باز) کسانی با تو به محاجّه و ستیز برخیزند، به آنها بگو: «بیایید ما فرزندان خود را دعوت کنیم، شما هم فرزندان خود را؛ ما زنان خویش را دعوت نماییم، شما هم زنان خود را؛ ما از نفوس خود دعوت کنیم، شما هم از نفوس خود؛ آنگاه مباهله کنیم؛ و لعنت خدا را بر دروغگویان قرار دهیم. (۶۱)




Кто же будет препираться с тобой об этом после того, как пришло к тебе знание, то скажи: "Приходите, призовем наших сынов и ваших сынов, наших женщин и ваших женщин, и нас самих и вас самих, с потом воззовем и направим проклятие Аллаха на лжецов!" (61)



And if anyone should argue with thee about this [truth] after all the knowledge that has come unto thee, say: "Come! Let us summon our sons and your sons, and our women and your women, and ourselves and yourselves; and then let us pray [together] humbly and ardently, and let us invoke God's curse upon those [of us] who are telling a lie." (61)



Als dan iemand met jou over hem redetwist na wat er aan kennis tot jou gekomen is, zeg dan: "Komt, laten we onze zonen en jullie zonen, onze vrouwen en jullie vrouwen en onszelf en julliezelf bijeenroepen. Laten we dan plechtig tot God bidden en Gods vloek afroepen over hen die liegen." (61)



A ceux qui te contredisent à son propos, maintenant que tu en es bien informé, tu n'as qu'à dire: «Venez, appelons nos fils et les vôtres, nos femmes et les vôtres, nos propres personnes et les vôtres, puis proférons exécration réciproque en appelant la malédiction d'Allah sur les menteurs. (61)




Wer nun mit dir über ihn ('Isa) disputiert, nach dem Wissen, das zu dir kam, so sag: "Laßt uns unsere Kinder und eure Kinder, unsere Frauen und eure und uns selbst und euch selbst zusammenbringen, dann (ALLAH) anflehen, den Fluch ALLAHs auf die Lügner zu legen." (61)



अब इसके पश्चात कि तुम्हारे पास ज्ञान आ चुका है, कोई तुमसे इस विषय में कुतर्क करे तो कह दो, "आओ, हम अपने बेटों को बुला लें और तुम भी अपने बेटों को बुला लो, और हम अपनी स्त्रियों को बुला लें और तुम भी अपनी स्त्रियों को बुला लो, और हम अपने को और तुम अपने को ले आओ, फिर मिलकर प्रार्थना करें और झूठों पर अल्लाह की लानत भेजे।" (61)



在知识降临你之后,凡与你争论此事的人,你都可以对他们说:你们来吧!让我们召集我们各自的孩子,我们的妇女和你们的妇女,我们的自身和你们的自身,然后让我们祈祷真主弃绝说谎的人 (61) 



(イ サーに関する)真実の知識があなたに下された後,もしかれに就いてあなたと議論する者があれば,言ってやるがいい。「さあ,わたしたちの子孫とあなたが の子孫,わたしたちの妻たちとあなたがたの妻たち,わたしたちとあなたがたを一緒に呼んで,アッラーの御怒りが嘘付き者の上に下るように祈ろう。 (61)



Y si alguien disputa contigo acerca de esta [verdad], después de todo el conocimiento que te ha llegado, di: "¡Venid! Convoquemos a nuestros hijos y a vuestros hijos, a nuestras mujeres y a vuestras mujeres, y acudamos también todos nosotros; recemos [juntos] con humildad y fervor, e invoquemos la maldición de Dios sobre aquellos [de nosotros] que mientan." (61)



Kushdo që të bëjë polemikë me ty për çështje të Isait, pasi të ka ardhur njohuria, thuaj: “Ejani, (e) po i thërrasim bijt tonë dhe bijt tuaj, gratë tona dhe gratë tuaja, dhe po e thërrasim na dhe ju veten, pastaj, të lutemi, që mallkimi i Perëndisë t’i goditë gënjeshtarët!” (61)



Ачык дәлилләр килгәннән соң берәү Гыйса хакында синең белән бәхәсләшсә, син аларга әйт: "Без үзебез, балаларыбыз һәм хатыннарыбыз һәм сез үзегез, балаларыгыз һәм хатыннарыгыз бер урынга җыелыйк, аннары Гыйса хакында кем ялган сөйләсә аңа Аллаһуның ләгънәте булсын дип Аллаһудан сорап бер-беребезгә дога кылышырбыз" – дип. Кәферләр, мөселманнарның ләгънәте төшүдән куркып килмәделәр. (61)




 سەن ئىسا توغرۇلۇق ھەقىقىی مەلۇماتقا ئىگە بولغىنىڭدىن کېیىن، کىملەرکى سەن بىلەن مۇنازىرىلەشسە، سەن ئۇلارغا: «کېلىڭلار، ئوغۇللىرىمىزنى ۋە ئوغۇللىرىڭلارنى، ئایاللىرىمىزنى ۋە ئایاللىرىڭلارنى، ئۆزلىرىمىزنى ۋە ئۆزلىرىڭلارنى یىغىپ، اﷲ نىڭ لەنىتى یالغانچىلارغا بولسۇن، دەپ اﷲ قا یالۋۇرۇپ دۇئا قىلایلى» دېگىن (61)



ee ruuxii kugula dooda intuu kuu yimid Cilmi ka dib waxaad dhahdaa kaalaya aan u yeedhno Caruurtannada iyo Caruurtiinna iyo Naftanaada iyo Naftiinna markaas laeanadda Eebe kor yeello Beenaalayaasha. (61)



A chi polemizza con te, ora che hai ricevuto la scienza, di' solo: “Venite, chiamiamo i nostri figli e i vostri, le nostre donne e le vostre, noi stessi e voi stessi e invochiamo la maledizione di Allah sui bugiardi”. (61)

۹۶/۰۶/۲۵ موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰
علیرضا غفوری

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